Friday, April 12, 2013


I wrote another piece - HOME AGAIN - THE CAPE 1995- soon after we returned to South Africa from Australia in 1995. This shorter piece was written several months later after my return to Kalk Bay from a business trip back to Australia. The first shot below shows Kalk Bay from the air, with the mountain track at the top right of the picture. The second shows our house from the sea.

Kalk Bay from the air

Our house has the white gable just above the tin roof


The dogs scamper ahead. This is their first walk for over of a week - and mine. I am surprised that the king protea which was budding is not yet blooming because all the other fynbos is. Masses of purple and pink - heath, erica and broom are beginning to paint the mountainside. Here and there yellow flowers which I have not yet identified punctuate the scene.

The sun has not yet risen, although  dawn colours the horizon. It surprises me to learn so late in life that the sun does not rise in the same place every day. Should I have known that it moves along the line of the horizon, heading in a northerly direction now that autumn is approaching?

Sunrise over the Hottentots Hollands Mountains

In the gathering light the drizzle clouds drifting in from the sea become clearer. One obscures the tanker still anchored in the bay, waiting with its minder tug for repairs to be completed. We may get damp today.

The dogs have disappeared up the track. I call and whistle and Tolkien, the pup, comes hurtling down towards me, eyes bright, grinning his happiness, his long pink tongue lolling. A quick lick and he is off again to join Pushkin in sniffing some interesting droppings. This certainly knocks the spots off the car yards of Elsternwick, their previous beat.

The path begins to rise quite steeply, but I press on quickly, trying to iron out the kinks from a 24 hour flight. As the sun rises behind me, it gets quite warm and the cloud which envelopes us all as we reach the top of the track is welcoming, even if it does cause my glasses to mist.

Pushkin is missing again. Normally a laggard, his enforced idleness has rejuvenated him and he has been foraging ahead far and wide. But now it is not clear which path has he taken. The pup and I wait for him to put in an appearance in response to my summons. Up in Echo Valley, the Jesus singers have started early. Maybe they camped there last night and this is their praise for a new day. Pushkin finally shows up at the bottom of the path wondering what is keeping us. I call him up to me, just to show him who is boss. Puffing and panting he finally makes it.

The mist clears and Kalk Bay harbour lies at our feet. Most of the boats are out, so the fishing must be good. Perhaps we can get some fresh fish for lunch. What will Matt and Danni make of this view when they come at Xmas? I mustn't forget to remind them to bring walking shoes.
Kalk Bay Harbour with Simon's Town across the Bay

We head down the hill to breakfast and a swim. How could I have stayed away so long? How long will this  euphoria last?

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